Creating and Managing Departments

Creating & Managing Departments

The Business Group Admin has the ability to create departments within the business group. Typically BG Admins will create a different department per location. To create a department within your Business Group follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Admin CommPortal at
  2. The Business Group Admin Portal tab is the homepage of Admin CommPortal.
  3. Click down to the Departments tab in the left hand column or the orange circle under “Services”.

Below is the Departments Homepage:

  1. Click the Add Department button following dialog appears:
  1. Enter the following information:
    • Department Name
    • Parent Directory – If this is a top level department, you will use the Business Group Name. If this is a sub department, this will be the Upper level department
  • Operator Number – Enter the number of the line that will act as operator for this department. Whomever will control this departments setting in the future must know this number.

If you choose to limit the number of calls allowed for this Department, enter the following information:

    • Incoming & Outgoing – Enter the total number of combined concurrent calls that this department will be permitted to have active at any given time.Incoming – Enter the total number of concurrent incoming calls that this department will be permitted to have active at any given time.
  • Outgoing – Enter the number of concurrent outgoing calls that this department will be permitted to have active at any given time.

NOTE: To allow any mix of incoming & outgoing enter the same value in all three fields, or set both the Incoming and the Outgoing fields to Unlimited.

  1. Click Add